Do the Hebrew dietary laws invalidate the moral laws of Judaism governing sexuality?


Jun 10, 2008
Leviticus 18 records God's moral laws governing sexuality. Yet homosexualists (those who promote homosexuality as normal, natural, and moral) argue that Hebrew laws governing sexuality are not binding because of disciplinary regulations of diet, e.g., prohibitions against eating pork or shellfish, which do not apply to non-Jews. Do the validity of the moral laws depend on observance of the disciplinary regulations?
It's called cherry-picking. The "christians" will tell you that because of "grace", Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament laws and we are no longer bound by them. But then they will grab up some OT rule that fits their prejudices and suddenly decide that, "Aha, THAT one DOES apply because I want it to!".
Christianity would be a lot better off if they would simply toss out the Old testament altogether, it causes too many problems and takes away from paying attention to the teachings of Jesus.
Blessings on your Journey!
When God is done easing Hisself and totters off the throne and the sun stops shining THEN He will forget the Jew then Jacob will vanish from His eye.
Jesus came to FULFILL the law not to destroy it.. The parts concerning sacrifice were obviously replaced by Jesus' death. The parts concerning the separating of the Israelites from others (not wearing a cloth of two fabrics, etc.) no longer apply since God opened up the door to salvation to the Gentiles (the whole world). The parts concerning hygiene no longer apply as they were to protect the israelites living in the desert without doctors. and today we have modern medicine. (Of course any rule of hygiene is still valid). The moral laws have not been replaced. Jesus taught the same things.

Those who promote homosexuality as normal are the same ones who promote all other forms of self indulgence as ok. They will seek every possibility of twisting the scriptures to justify their behavior.
It only works for them and their followers. It doesn't work for God.

The bible clearly states His opinion of those who live only to indulge their own pleasures and if I am not mistaken, God will have the final say in these matters.
What many Christians do not realize is that dietary laws are in fact moral laws. It falls under the principle of "thou shall not murder." Certainly touching a pig will not make one ceremonially unclean anymore, but Jesus's death did not somehow make dogs or mice edible. And if you look back in Genesis you see that even at the time of the flood the distinction between clean and unlcean animals was made. It has nothing to do with legalism either, but it has everything to do with glorifying God with everything we eat and drink just like Daniel and his friends.
Those making such claims are using confusion that exists among many concerning the laws Of God.
God chose to reveal Himself to the world by MAKING the nation Israel from Abraham. NOT that small nation in the Middle East calling itself Israel. There are twelve nations that comprise the whole "house" of Israel. The Jews are only the nation of Judah. God's laws are intended for the whole earth. So are the dietary laws. We are ALL to keep the all of God's laws. It is shown in this prophecy that His laws will be enforced when Jesus returns.

Zec 14:16 And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the FEAST OF TABERNACLES. (Leviticus 23, Deuteronomy 16)
Zec 14:17 And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.
Zec 14:18 And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.
Zec 14:19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.
lol? first of all the dietary laws and sexual laws are completely separate categories of jewish law. Both are completely vaild and obligatory, but sexual laws are FAR MORE SERIOUS, there are no forms of kashrut violations that incur capital punishment, and you are allowed to eat unkosher food to save a life, or even to treat the sick (such as gelatin capsules on medication).

Sexual perversion however whether you are talking about bestiality adultary incest or homosexuality, are ALL capital crimes in jewish law, and you cannot commit them EVEN to save your life or the life of another.

Furthermore, sexual perversion is not only jewish law, but was one of the prohibitions given to Noah after the flood, and is forbidden to EVERYONE not just jews. Homosexuality and Beastiality were in fact two of the sins commited by humanity that made Hashem destroy the world in a flood.

Anyone who says differently is either completely ignorant, or cares more about getting thier FREAK ON, than getting their TORAH ON.