Do some people really complain that the USA stolled land from Mexico?


May 12, 2008
yes it did happen, no one is saying that it didn't, but come on that's how the world works right? didn't the Spaniards did the same thing to the Aztecs, and the Aztecs did it to the Mayans, most countries stole land from people and nobody complains about it, that's just how it is, don't hate the player hate the game. i love mexicans btw i just heard one complaining about it and wondered if more people thought like this... peace and love man
Yes this is how territories were typically established. The current contraversy dwells upon the RECENT history of this event.
People will complain about anything. You are correct why no one should complain but you need to understand is that when people are bored, obnoxious, or just angry they will complain. This is part of human emotion defense mechanism and in simple terms. We revert to childish behavior when a certain emotion is in play.

Just ignore him because if he is complaining about land issues its not because he deeply down cares about it but its just him venting his emotional issues.

But you can have fun with this guy by just saying how Mexico tried to take over Texas or use the Aztec and Mayan argument. You will prove that he is acting like a idiot and trust me....Its fun
Q: "nobody complains about it"
A: Obviously there are some who do "complain" about it.

Not so much in this country but in the countries that suffered the theft, definitely so. I imagine you think that the Indians here are fine with all the land "stealing" or do they simply complain silently, well out of your earshot?

I think the "complaint" is more than the act of theft itself, it's the denial that the theft even happened and worse yet, it was committed under a "democracy" which holds up so very many high ideas for other nations to follow and imitate. When Japan attempted to "steal" Korea and China we jumped all over their @sses, why? When Hitler "stole" Europe that was monstrous. Why? Yeah. The irony of it all. That's where the indignation stems from. It's okay for us to "steal" but no one else better. Right!
I live in the South West USA, and I can tell you there are many Mexicans who believe this, and were told this in school, in Mexico.

It's a big moment in Arizona and southern California, mostly among illegals from mexico.

Many of the Americans of Mexican decent that I know who have been in the USA for many generations or before it was part of the USA, don't buy the whole thing.
That's how it works huh. Well, I'm coming to your house and take it; your car, too. I bet that will open your eyes to why they feel like that.
That's right, and when Mexico invades and annexes the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, we should all just say, "Well, that's just how it is."