Do people complaining about Obama's "teleprompter" not understand that he...


Jul 19, 2008
Do people complaining about Obama's "teleprompter" not understand that he...

...writes most of his speeches...? ...himself?
Think Bush could have done that? LOL!
Yes, Bush would have said "our children is learning" or something clever like that, or "our enemy is constantly trying to destroy us, so are we."
You guys just buy any ridiculous story you get in an anonymous, chain email.
so he intentionally said he has visited 57 states with one more left to go? if the answer is yes then he is either a a moron or a liar. if you say no then then you just lied and he is a buffoon and a moron. which is it, buttercup?
What they don't understand is that Bush also used teleprompters. And that Bush was wired during the 2004 debate with Kerry.
Sycophant, you can't even see his high school diploma!
Doesn't he have an IQ of 140, no I heard it was 200!
You Obama-bots are a real joke.
Bush used to say nucular. Obamass can't go 3 seconds with saying "umm...". Considering Obamass's speeches suck, that says quite a lot about him doesn't it?
Even if that were true,,,,anyone, given time to reflect, can seem intelligent...wit is a totally different matter.
No, Bush absolutely could NOT have done that. Right wingers are just mad that President Obama is articulate and not a bumbling idiot. They prefer clowns who make a mockery of intelligent discourse, like George "food on your family" Bush.