Do liberals get away with murder on Yahoo Answers because conservatives do not


New member
Apr 8, 2009
cry and whine as much? It seems as though lots of question are deleted if uncomplimentary to liberals, democrats or the present administration. Do you think it's because those who elminate questions are biased towards the cowardly, name calling, crying and whining liberals than they are to the informed, intelligent conservatives or independents who might ask questions?
Most liberals on Yahoo Answers simply ask questions that reveal how uninformed they are on what the issues of the day. They wonder why they don't jobs. It's because they only listen to liberal blab and are enthralled with Obama's rants. They call C-Span in the morning and their lack of education and lack of objectivity are just more crying and whining. They fracture the English language in the few times one can even understand them.

They must spend most their day watching Jerry Springer, the View, MSNBC, etc.

If they can't get a job they should go to adult education to speak proper English, learn to fill out an application for a job or volunteer at places such as Head Start, the United Way or someplace they can get out of their little groups that sit around and as you said: crying, whining and complaining.

Intelligent,though provoking questions are beyond their understanding so they whine, complain and are abusive in their 'supposed' answers.
That and the FACT that the censors are yahoo employees in California a KNOWN bastion for the Koolaid drinking liberal sect

but i see the guy who constantly posts about the stain in his underwear getting his questions deleted all the time.

that's about what it takes to get deleted these days...
You're kidding, right? I don't see nearly as many liberals making the same comments about conservatives. Your question is a good example of a conservative crying and whining. Or don't you see the irony? LOL