Do I text him?


New member
Feb 15, 2008
I know Ive asked a couple of times already but I need loads of opinions :) ..I really like this boy whos going to war in Afgan...but he just uses me for saturdays. Basically he has no feelings for me but I do for him. He'll use me when he wants but I know he sees this other girl and he likes her more than he likes me.Anyways..we saw each other Saturday night coz he booked a hotel with a friend for himself, two of his friends,me and my friend and we had a kinda lil party thing. Hes not going until tomorow though..should I text him saying good luck I hope your ok or something or do I not text him?
u should.. text him.. nothing ventured, nothing gained.. who knows.... he might love u then.. god bless
my friend says to text him and say that you hope he finds some Afghan lady to bangthat is his opinion though, not mine
Just say Good Luck... then never communicate again... NEVER
No, he'll think he has you where he wants you... he'll continue to use you... Have respect for your self....
Id text him and wish him luck, since he is risking his life and fighting for his country basically , DONT Text him after tht, wait for him to txt u. But I would STOP seeing him for the "fun" if u get me, i have been down tht road b4 and the more i ignored him and didnt put myself on a plate for him to use me for sex the more he wanted me, He was in the royal Navy and he came out in 2003, we started a 4yr relationship and fingers crossed we r still 2gether, trying for a baby and live in our own house. Men like a challage, make him chase you hun, dont just put it on a plate.!!! xx
I'd text him, just cuz he's not in love with you, doesn't mean he wouldn't appreciate some warm wishes, and if anything were to happen to him, at least you know your last words were kind ones.
give him a text, it wont do you any bad. and he will know you are thinking of him, and wishing him the best. my step brother is in the army and is going to iraq soon, and he appreciates the texts saying good luck. it will deffineatly earn you gold stars with him :)
If you want to be allow yourself to continue to be used as a doormat, then text him. If you are ready to hold yourself up higher than that, don't and never talk to him again. All you are going to do is keep hurting yourself. He has no regard for you, so why should you for him? Makes no sense.~SP
I would text him, maybe he really does like you but worries about getting involved because hes going to Afghanistan, write to him while hes there as he will appreciate that.
Tex-ting him and wishing him good luck out there is not going to do any harm and as you say if you care about him he will appreciate it maybe not now but once he is there any memories from home will be welcome believe me.
Well I hope you didnt do anything in the hotel room with him or anyone else that was their Lol If you text him make sure it doesnt show that you like him Specially since theres another girl that you know about Texting him could show him you have feelings and are not over him so maybe you shouldnt Try not t fgo back to him =DHaydenPenniieMatthews♫♥