Do I get an iPhone 4S or the latest and greatest 4G Android phone in January?


May 13, 2008
I have never owned a smartphone and am on the fence about which smartphone path to take. I am not worried about adapting to a smartphone since I am a computer science major; so simplicity is not a necessity. I have looked at every review under the sun that I can find and there appears to be a good argument for both sides. Can anyone give me an unbiased reason(s) to go either way? The iPhone definitely does not exceed in the realm of latest technology, but is there quality good enough for me to go with the older technology? Can anyone please help me? My upgrade period is January 2012 and I am on Verizon Wireless.
Get the iPhone 4S... Don't listen to anyone telling you to get an Android phone (except the Galaxy Nexus. That thing's pretty good) BUT even with the GN as an option, I think I might recommend the 4S. In short; the 4S will be reliable, have an amazing camera, be smoother, have a better app store, have better customer support, sync your media easily, and have all the awesome little features that make iOS so great.

Oh, and the GN will have terrible battery life, just like all LTE and WiMax phones. Any other "latest and greatest" Android phones on Verizon will have terrible battery life too. I realize I didn't give you much information, or facts to back up many of my claims, but I just don't have time for that right now. Hopefully you can take my word for it.
I'd go for the android, simply because you can do more on them and they are not ridiculously over priced. With iPhones, you are just paying for the 'i'.
4G is definitely something to invest in for the future.
The iPhone 4S is good, but its not very different from the iPhone 4.