do doctors ask questions?


May 17, 2008
the other day my dad got drunk and grabbed my wrist and slammed it 5 times on the edge of our back step and it broke. dont worry hes NOT abusive he was just VERY drunk. anywayz i want to go to the doctors but im scared they will know that its been hit more then once which will not pass as an accident, will they know? will they ask questions?
They will ask and you can lie. It is soley up to you to acknowledge the truth. And being drunk is never an excuse.
They will ask and you can lie. It is soley up to you to acknowledge the truth. And being drunk is never an excuse.
Being drunk doesnt give your dad the right to hurt you AT ALL. and yes they probably will ask questions.
i think if they are a good and professional doctors, then yes they will ask

It depends on how ur broken bones looks like but i think it will pretty much show..and r u going to lie to them how it happened?

And sorry, i dont buy your story about ur dad just got very drunk and basically didnt do it on purpose.

Is he abusing you? I hope the doctor finds out and get ur dad to the police for questioning. Sorry for saying this
Yes they will ask I'm afraid, you could make up a cock and bull story about waving the wii around or something. But if they suspect it's domestic violence, they are obligated by law to make a record of the circumstances, not necessarily report it mind you, but make a note. Don't make a big deal, and tell them you did it mucking around or something, they'll probably not be too bothered so long as you don't seem distressed. It really depends on who you see, and how much of a drama lord or lady they are.
Drunk or not no one is allowed to hit another, and they usually ask how, and they usually know when there is a lie.
Yes they will ask questions and you need to tell the truth. Drunk or not what he did was abusive.