Do animals have chi and can you train them to use it?

How can I respond to this?

These are all pretty weak statements though.

I don't think chi exists, and yet I am still alive.
You say I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for chi.

Which is the truth?

If there is some undiscovered facet of life out there that keeps us all ticking then someone needs to prove it before you can make such categorical statements.
But if the only way to prove it is to experience it for yourself, then that opens the door for gross self deception and ultimately the deceit of others.
I am content to believe that chi is just part of a cult, since I've not seen any evidence of it being anything else.
I see no reason to add an additional variable to the mix, life is complicated enough in itself, especially since I go on living without believing that I have chi at all.

This topic was opened pretty much in jest, but we are not going off topic so don't worry. There is the argument though that this whole discussion has been "done to death" many, many times before! Nevermind, could still be interesting.
Obviously the best way to test this would be to clone a T-Rex and teach it Tai-Chi. Best case: T-Rex with chi powers. Worst Case: Well, you've still got the T-Rex.
Both. Qi doesn't require your belief or permission to work.

That's your choice then But it doesn't change the fact that it is there
Are all metaphysical, distinctly personal experiences the truth? How do you know it's not delusion? Isn't it the same as people who claim that God speaks to them? Isn't it the same as having an imaginary friend?
How do you know your judgment of this experience is correct?

The reason I ask is: God personally told me that you're wrong.

See above.
Right, I've decided. If you're allowed to believe in Chi with no more proof than "Yada yada yada, same old crud, I'll believe what I like without needing any kind of proof. It exists because I just said so", then I can believe in The Force on the strength of the same argument. Consequently, I'll be opening up two new subforums:

1) One for discussions on all aspects of Chi. How to cultivate it, store it and use it to fling skinny shaven students around, even from behind locked doors.

2) The other for discussions on The Force. How to build up your levels of midichlorians, how to train as a Jedi, how to shoot electricity out of your fingertips, etc.

And remember folks, The Force exists because I just said so. And it must exist, because you'd all be dead if it didn't!
There are actually Jedi fora out there, they are "for real" and kid themselves into thinking that the Force exists and they can perform telekinesis, and instruct students in how to perform such feats. My opinion is that the chi cult is similar, but has been around longer.
My first thought was "you have to be kidding", but then I realised you're probably not and there are very likely people out there that really do believe that.
Well if you are believing that then I am going to start believing in Father Christmas again! Ace!
Nope, it's on wikipedia, so it must be true:
There was once a restaurant named Chi Chi's.. Guess the food had too much chi as it is no longer in business.
I don't care what you say, I believe in the underpant gnome and you can't prove he doesn't exist.

So there.
OK I will be the one to try and give a straight answer to the question.

First I believe in a form Chi that is a natural function of the body not some mystery power that will let you perform super human feats but more like the ability to be in touch with your mind and body. This being said I believe that animals do have Chi and use it all the time with out ever thinking about it. This is shown when animals start to act strange before an earthquake.
Can you train them to use it? They use it everyday and never even have to think about it, so no. If they could talk maybe they could help use relearn to use it but there is a good chance we are so far gone with the way we live that a best we could on be able to do is a fraction of what they can with out even thinking about it.