do all women have bisexual tendencies? YES or so I read?


Jun 2, 2008

That made me happy! i was incredibly sad for multiple reasons. but this made me night! what do you think about that? I'm happy also cuz my friend that i have a huge crush on, invited me on a camping trip! and we're sharing a tent! huge opportunity to declare my love!
I'm pretty self-possesed and trust me! I would never think of telling her about my feelings if I didn't know she has feeling for me too
and yes, she is a lesbian and I'm bi
hey justine, thanks! great answer
first person who answer "steak and lobster" good analogy! I'm bi but I consider myself bisexual with strong homosexual tendencies, i prefer girls
That is fine for you and your friend, but the article does not speak for all women including me. What a load of brainwashing crap.
YES ! International studies shows that 40% of women had sex with women (most kept secret), another 40% of women would not mind to try (bi curious) & ONLY 20% are firm heterosexual & would never ever try it with another girl. So it seems that 80% of women have gay inclination. The reason is society acceptance since their early age that little girls can sleep together, brush each other hair,..etc..led girls to grow up accepting even sex among each other.
Before you get your hopes your friend a bi-sexual/lesbian? If not, I would not go and "declare your love" to her...especially if you guys are sharing a tent...I can see that being VERY weird! Make sure she is into you before you ruin the friendship. :eek:)

Oh...and I completely disagree! I am happily married to a wonderful man and would definitely not have it any other way!
umm no! I think about it for like a minute or two sometimes but then I think about how that is so wrong and how I could never like a girl.
No, I'm a straight female who thought I was open to bisexuality. Turns out this was not the case after a bit of experimentation. I'm strictly dickly.
I dunno. But "I sure as hell DO!!!!

I mean, WHO can resist women? They are so hot, lucious, warm, curvy, have those breasts, soft, smell nice, caressable hair and sexy and yummy and... lemme shut up. *dumps bucket of cold water over head*

I like women and men 50-50. Some say bisexuals have a preference, but asking me to chose between the two is like asking me to pick between steak and lobster. They're just BOTH so good. But we are not all the same and you cant expect everyone to be bi. Though to me, it would make more sense.

And as far as the whole tent thing goes, just dont do anything stupid. K? ^^