do all types of judaism accept converts?


May 14, 2008
i know there are lots of types of judaism but do they all let people convert to them or just a few or do non of them. do orthodox jews allow converts or only accept born jews into their faith.also do some allow homosexuality or do all condemn it or does it vary e.g some liberal jews are against gays some don't. does it vary within one type.
i know obviousy born jews aren't converts and are automatically accepted into the faith. But aren't all born jews just decendants from converts?
Yep, all streams of Judaism convert people and accept converts (with the exception of some sects of Syrian Jews who refused to do conversions since it carried the penalty of death and thus was considered detrimental to the potential and not allowed). However, the conversion is not always accepted- an Orthodox conversion would be accepted by all streams of Judaism, but Orthodox Judaism will not accepte conversions done by the liberal movements and even within the liberal movements there are varying levels of acceptance of the conversions done dependant on how they were done.

As for those born Jewish- nope, they are not all descended from converts unless you want to say that because Avraham changed from his original religion to become Jewish. The normal charge that jews are all descnded from comverts comes from anti-Semites that buy into the myth that all Ashkenazi Jews are descended from the Khazrs, ignorign all the historical evidence to the contrary
As a rule most Jewish denominations will accept converts, with the exceptions of the Hasidic and Ultra-Orthodox Jewish groups. Orthodox Judaism is by far the strictest of the denominations and as a result conversion to Orthodox Judaism is possible, but massively difficult.

As for homosexuality, attitudes vary between communities and denominations, but there has been a shift in more recent times towards discussion about and dealing with homosexual Jews and keeping them within the Jewish community.