DivX Files always corrupted?


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Every time I download a DivX Movie, it comes out as corrupted. Why is that? Is it because I need to update or what?
"You don’t need to follow all of these steps. Once you know what the problem is, you can fix the avi.

Open G-spot. Open the messed up divx file in that program. If the Status Window on the left reads “Truncated – xx meg are missing’, you have an unfinished download. It won’t tell you more information than that. If you don’t have the codec for that particular file, the status bar on the left will say “Codec is NOT installed.” If the file is really stuffed, you won’t get any info at all.

Open Divxfix. Then open the messed up file in divxfix and run the ‘Check Error’ function. If you get something like –

‘Error offset: 103393364
Corrupted data detected at frame 55758 ‘

You have bad frames! If you bad frames from position 1, you most likely don’t have the codec for that avi file since divxfix can’t read it properly.

Open VirtualDub and open the messed up file in it. Does it open straight away? If VirtualDub is ‘Reconstructing missing index block’, you either have NO index file or a corrupt index file. If VirtualDub says it is using ‘Aggressive mode’, you have corrupt frames."