Didn't the B.C. calendar predict when Christ would be born, just like the


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Mayan calendar predicts Armaggedon? I mean, a person living in 85 B.C. knew Jesus would come in 85 years. And then when the calendar hit 0 B.C. Jesus was born?

So even if the Mayans aren't right about 2012, isn't there a precedent for that kind of stuff?
The A.D. / B.C. dating system was created by a monk a couple hundred years after Christ was born . . .

and, it's also off a few years. Christ is actually believed to have been born around 4 A.D.
Err....well since they didn't start numbering the years that way until 322 CE ....its a sure bet it didn't.
The whole BC AD thing was created long after Jesus was born and had died. They molded it around his life. In 85 BC in Judea or any other part of the Roman world made their calendar by the year of the current emperor's reign. This method was used in many places in the ancient world using the dates of their leaders.
Really, do you honestly think this is a good question? I hope to god you are joking, or my faith in humanity has slipped a notch lower.
Prophets gave signs. There was not a BC Calendar of events.
The first calendar was the Georgian calendar invented in 1582
Rev. TomCat