did you study?

finals complete
*que final fantasy victory music*

I only had to memorize 97 terms 12 direct quotes (who said it, date, title, and significance) and 3 comprehensive quotes (who said it, date, title, significance, impact, how it affects us today)

fuck history since 1877

EDIT- on a plus side i did manage to succesfully cheat through it with paper taped to my leg.
While you were in high school you didn't realize that it was a joke? Obviously college is gonna be harder lol
T-minus 4 hours until my ghey Artifical Intelligence final. I've given up hope of understanding this shit.
lol ty, I organized all my old tests and quizzes that I have corrected so I'm counting on those to pull me through
good lord son, I took PFC' or something like that and that killed me inside, AI is way above that lol
:( I didn't think it'd be this hard. I was expecting a philosophy type class after I read the class description. Then I get there and I get blindsided by all this.. Essay is enough for me. I'll wing the test.
Yup. I'm convinced it's impossible to understand. The professor flew through it too. Which totally helped a ton :dodgy:
Had my math final today, didn't study and I skipped a few classes back to back to back this semester, breezed through pages 1,2,4,5,6,7 and didn't know any of the material on page 3 lol.
im a sophomore in college and I didnt study shit. If you go to class its easy, if not just get the notes from some cock hungry slut in your class and study them a few mins with her and you are golden. Then slip her the tongue.