Did you know PETA is complaining about the tanuki suit in the mario series?


Apr 7, 2008
I think they are around 26 or so years too late.

But what do you expect from insane attention seekers?
yah i recently read about that as well. they are definitely late on this one, i remember playing mario 3 when it *just* came out and never heard a peep from PETA, instead back then they got into hot water for dumping red paint on stars' fur coats at the oscars and whatnot. the are some crazy people, they are just as bad as the westboro baptist church. people need to just ignore them and eventually they will go away. no sense in giving them any media coverage, that just perpetuates their craziness
I think they need attention tell them to worry about something else instead of crying over a videogame 26years later you say thats embarassing thumbs up PETA
I expect this to backfire. I mean, it's a costume. Not fur, a costume. Besides, mario was a penguin in nsmb wii, and it didn't bother anyone