Did you hear that Billy Graham (of Billy Graham Crusades fame) supports...

May 4, 2012
...banning gay marriage? http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/story/2012-05-03/billy-graham-gay-marriage/54725250/1
No Graham is mainstream. It is a sin not to support such a ban.
Billy Graham is America's best known con artist.

What is really happening is that the Republicans made sure that faux amendment was on the ballot to attrack more conservatives to vote in November. Similar amendments are will be on the ballot in other swing states such as Florida. It means nothing beyond that as gay marriage will not be legal in North Carolina whether the ballot amendment is passed or not.
Yes.....thank God for the billy graham association. No hope at all without jesus.

God loves you...but doesn't like gay marriage
Didn't hear it but could have guessed it.

At least Christian Fundamentalists are consistent with who they are bigoted against.
Gay marriage is already illegal in North Carolina. The vote is utterly meaningless since no matter how it goes, it will not impact state law.

Regarding Graham, how can you call him 'mainstream' when most Americans don't have a problem with gay marriage?

And finally, if gay marriage is a sin which should be outlawed then why are divorced Catholics allowed to be married in a civil ceremony? After all, divorce is a sin according to Catholic teachings.