Did my prediction about Sarah claiming to hear a "call"already come true?


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Sarah Palin in a Facebook posting reportedly has cited a "higher calling" as her reason for leaving her post as governor. She continues to blame other people for the poor reception her statement received, blasting the media.
I guess someones education can be at fault here for not teaching someone what a "higher calling" means.

God helps those who help themselves and it's seems that YAHOO and GOOGLE are at someones finger tips too!

She tries so hard to be a martyr! Again she blames the media for her ineptness! As a Conservative, shouldn't she be taking responsibility for her own stupidity? That's the foundation of their campaign! You're responsible for your own actions and choices! Are liberals to blame for her being stupid and incoherent? Hmmm...I guess so.
Should be quite a few little Mooseys that now will be able to live long and productive lives with her out of the picture.Amen.
Another guy got a "call" from God too - it was in Germany in the 30's.
Sarah's poor little rich trailer park girl may play during the Republican elections - but she will never win a major election.
"She continues to blame other people for the poor reception her statement received, blasting the media"

And who has been blasting HER and her family for the past year? I guess the only time some women think SEXISM is okay is when the liberals do it.
She should stay home and be a grandmother. I would love to stay home and help raise my grandkids.

...actually, she's about to get into hot trouble again. She had no choice.