Did muhammad misunderstand Daniel's prophecy so as to believe that the...


New member
Dec 10, 2010
...mandhi would pro-God and not pro-devil? Daniel the prophet and the Apostle John said the enemy that will come in the later days will bring a 7 year peace treaty which he would keep for only three years. He would take an abominable thing and bring it into God's temple in Jerusalem, he will fight the Jews and the Christians but God kill come through for them. He will try to make all the people worship the beast and leave their faith. He will stop the daily sacrifice that should be offered daily in the temple.

The mandhi will bring peace for 7 or 9 years
He will kill a pig
He will bring in one world religion and stop all other kinds of worship (bring all to islam)
He will fight the Church and the Jews and he will break a cross

Muhammad even said this mandhi will be his descendant and will have a name similar to his and his father's name will be similar to his father's name.

Was this just a misunderstanding of did muhammad know exactly whom he was worshipping and the goal of his god?
Floating brain- mahdi