Did I ruin a chance at a relationship (long details)?


New member
May 22, 2008
Last year I had French 1 with one of my best friends, so I didn't really pay much attention to the other people in our class. The second semester, when we moved to French 2, he got put in the other class, so I ended up having to fend for myself and meet new people. One of them was a guy (we'll call him Bob) that was a grade behind me, but is only about two and a half months younger than me. I added him on Facebook one night and started texting him when my phone automatically added his number from Facebook. We eventually ended up becoming good friends, but the lines of that friendship eventually became a little iffy when he started asking for my homework. I continuously asked him if he was just using me for my homework, and he said no every time.
Now with every cliche story, I ended up liking him. A lot. I've never dated anybody before, but a few years ago I had my heart broken by another guy (one of his friends but they had no idea that they both knew me) and Bob was the first guy I had let myself get close to again. He was actually really good for me.
We texted...all the time. Just about random stuff mainly, like good friends, but he had a wacky on-again-off-again-friends-with-benefits-part-of-the-time girlfriend and he would talk to me about her too.
Eventually my best friend talked me into telling him how I felt, and unfortunately the feeling weren't mutual. He didn't let that make things awkward though, and our friendship didn't really change. Or so I thought at the time.
That's when he started acting.....different I suppose. I showed up at my cousin's birthday party, and Bob was there. As soon as I showed up, he started showing off while playing basketball, and then asked me later if I had seen him doing some of the stuff he did.
He would ask me to hang out all the time. To go eat with him. To go to the movies with him.
I was going to prom with a best friend who ditched me two weeks before, and Bob stepped in and offered to take me to prom, but then got torn between me and another girl that had asked him before he offered, and just told both of us he couldn't go. He repeatedly apologized to me though.
The very week (I don't know why this sticks out in my mind) after I told him how I felt, he walked up behind me and wrapped an arm around me while we stood there and talked to another friend. There was also one day where I just kinda put my head on his shoulder and he talked to me about all his problems.
We also had an hour long conversation on the phone one night.
The one thing that has always made me feel so strongly about him is the day my favorite teacher committed suicide. He texted me RIGHT after he got home from practice and texted me until I fell asleep, trying to keep me somewhat happy.
He also came and just hung out with me one day over the summer, right after break started. But we kinda lost touch after that (it was a lapse in communication. He swears he texted me back every time I texted him, and I QUIT texting him because he had stopped replying to my messages. Who knows.)

Anyways. Last year every time he would ask me to go eat with him or go see a movie, I would come up with some excuse as to why I couldn't. I was SO CONFUSED. He was doing all those things, but he was still holding to the "we're just friends" and, unfortunately, would sometime talk about his on-again-off-again sex life with his ex girlfriend, as if he didn't know how much it bothered me. My best friend always says that he probably did like me, but just couldn't admit it to himself.

We recently (as in the past week) kinda reconnected, and it's nice talking to him again. I hadn't realized how much I'd missed him.
He has another girlfriend now, which still bothers me more than I'd like to admit. If he were to ever break up with this current girlfriend, would it be possible to try and pursue those feelings again? Did he even like me or was he just being a friend?
Thank you SO MUCH for reading and answering this. I don't know what to think.