Did I just mess up with this girl, lol?


May 25, 2008
I asked a girl out to see a movie and she agreed. She came be a note "saying Hey it's [name] - call me =) [number]" We agreed to go on Friday.

Every text conversation I had with this woman, has taken me nearly 30 minutes - 2 hours to get a text response. She ends up texting me on Friday saying "Hey! So i totally forgot towday was friday! im going to ****** =/ you could come with me and we could go to a movie tomorrow night :)?"

I said sure. We went to the hookah bar, we smoked, we drank some vodka, we had a couple kisses, but she was all over the place. She talked to me for 2 minutes, then jumped to another friend, then another friend, etc.

I told her Saturday that the movie Paranormal activity was really bad, and that I don't feel like going. I asked if she was in the mood to go and she said "Not really =p"

I told her if she has another other plans it's all good.

She texts me 2 hours after this saying
"Well we'll have to hang soon so you can get ur tequilla bottle :)"

NOW I texted her this (sorry im really drunk right now - i was listening to rap music and felt really black for some strange reason)

"Wassup lets get drunk this week"

(her) "I think imma quit drinkin bro =/"

"Wtf u just say?"

"Ha im sorry"

"Why you quiting"

"Tired of doin stupid shit"

"Well damn. but I still wanna chill with your hot ass"

"Ha hell ya"

"Drop the zero get with the hero you know what im sayin nigga. ill call yo this week"