Did cell phones and texting cause society to become more stupid over the years?


May 13, 2008
It seems like many cell phone users have almost come to the point where they are codependent on their cell phones today. Go into any business, drive down the street or look around and you'll see many people using cell phones or a blue tooth to talk to people at almost any time of the day or night.
Some of these people are very rude when having their discussions and seem to talk louder, making their personal conversations everyone elses business when they shouldn't have to be. May cell phone users kill others while driving or texting others while using cell phones when driving. Other are too focused on texting or using other cell phone applications on their phones. Some of them are rude because their focus should be on other more important things. The other day, I was walking in a store and had two people walk right into me because they were too busy on using their phones.
There should be some type of etiquette that these people should use but they don't!

I would really like to get other peoples opinions on this matter whether you use a cell phone or not.

Thank you.