Did anyone else's LG Voyager's right hinge break?

ugh...my voyager has been going strong for a year and a half but the front buttons are falling out and the hinge fell out...i really hope the other one doesnt fall out or bye bye voyager :(

ok so nobody has really posted a fix, well i figured out how, depending on where it broke, mine broke above the curve, so i made layered tape, and cute it to size to get it pretty thick, then i put a peice leading through the phone so its taped down on both sides, it dont look pretty but the hinge stays inside the phone :p
Agh my hinge broke the other day. It also has the broken key lights, the hum, and issues with the charger. i'm also on a plan so i'm stuck with this phone. (PS telus is just as useless at replacing it as verizon)
same here i just noticed it today and by reading this blog my phone has the same thing wrong with it but its only 2 days out of warrenty and the company said i dropped it
it happened to me too a few weeks ago, i wasnt the only on it happened to. my friends broke also the same way. he claims that the touch screen part will be the next one that breaks or gets damaged. verizon needs to improve their phones. because if it keeps happening to every voyager, we gotta get our money back. hopefully :p
but i do admit its fun to play with it, snapping it back in almmost everytime you open it. ;p