Did anyone cry when Obito died in naruto?


May 18, 2008
i found myslef crying in naruto only when obito died it was soo sad..n his word were soo cool..(those who abandon their mission are scums..but those who abandon their friends are worse than scums!)..just wondering if u guys felt the same
yeah it was really sad and he was the reason kakashi changed

btw i think there some connection to obito and tobi
yes i cried many times in Naruto (only the sad moments like when Neji fought against that spider freak and was hurt and all that..) but that was the moment where i cried the most ;(
Yeah, I cried a lot too. It was touching. Also, if it hadn't been for Obito, Kakashi wouldn't be the same as he is now.
Yes, as a matter of fact I did cry. A lot. I'm not even sure why either, cause its not like we knew that character for very long. I had that painful, empty feeling in my chest while I was watching that episode.
Yes I cried, a lot actually.

Mostly because it was so sad that young kids like that had to fight in a war. I mean, really? They were like 12 or 13 and they were left alone on the battlefield.