Detective Conan!! (case closed)!!! help please :-)?


New member
Jun 28, 2008
I want the name or number of the episode in Detective Conan (case closed)

I watched it 2-3 years ago and forgot it and I really want to watch it again
sorry but the only thing I remember about it are-

- the plot is in a big house, lots of characters.
- it's where kogoro mori fakes death.
- (If I'm not mistaking) its were an old lady or man pretends to be dead but he/she is the actual killer, he/ she hides in a roof or something like it.
- its about a clock or something to do with gold.

I really want to watch the episode again, and sorry if I confused you. I might not be correct because it's been years since I've watched it.

More information-
I think it's before Haibara was introduced.
so the episode number will be between 1-129

Again.. I'm sorry If I've made a mistake