Deep Posts: Terrelle Pryor?s stench, Chad and porn, Madonna concerts in helmets


Jun 17, 2007
• Terrelle Pryor was pretty hard on himself in his evaluation of his play against the Cowboys on Monday night. "Dog crap" is how he described his performance, which is a harsh critique for a guy who hasn't seen a real live game since the 2011 Sugar Bowl. It's true, he wasn't great, going 8 of 15 for 50 yards and an interception, but it's not like any other Raider ever threatened the goal line, either. Take it easy on yourself, Terrelle.

• Larry Fitzgerald refuses to fantasize about Kurt Warner while he's married to Kevin Kolb.

• In case you were wondering if some porn company would try to profit from Chad Johnson's arrest for alleged domestic violence, you now have your answer. The fine, good-hearted people at a porn company I'm not going to name sent a letter to Chad offering him $100,000 to "make up" with his wife, in the way that would be necessary in a porno. Ick.

• John Harbaugh will probably not be pursuing a career as a player/coach, but he did try lining up at corner during Monday's practice.

• I don't know why I'm able to call someone in Malaysia and get crystal clear audio, while NFL coaches can't talk to their quarterbacks without also hearing air traffic controllers, but that's apparently the case. Fortunately, the NFL is now going digital with their communication systems. Also frequently heard through NFL helmet communication systems: police radio, Southwest pilots talking to each other and Madonna concerts.

• Rough news for the Redskins: Chris Neild, a seventh-round draft pick who played in every game last year, will miss this season with a torn ACL.