Declaration of War

to me justin bieber looks like he himself belongs in twilight with one of those wimpey looking vampires.
OMG this is horrible.

That people could laugh at a video about a girl whos life has been torn apart because of the type of music she likes..OMG

What the heck happened to we live in a free freaking country?? I mean this is a whole new type of prejudice...I mean come on people.

I personally don't like Bieber...but I don't care if someone like him...who gives a flying monkey???

This is not kewl at all. Poor girl. I think she needs to just be off the net, get the cops involved and her parents need to chill and be more supportive and calm rather then freak out they will not help her like that...

Does anyone other then me see the wrongness in this whole thing??

Arrgghhhh...Kids...the harm they can cause with their not yet done developing brains.....
Did you see the original video that caused her to get trolled like that? I won't post it because it'll smash TOS, but you should look it up. Then there is another one with her father and he threatens to call the cyber police, it's hilarious.
I dunno Anna, I think she's probably the architect of her problems, although her parents don't seem the most level header people either, and have you heard her swear OMG
In a computerized fight match which we all know about who would win?

Beaver Cleaver when the beaver was the beaver or Justin Bieber, they seem very evenly matched.
She's fourteen years old, talking like Tupac. She seriously threatened to put "a glock in your mouth and make a brain slushie." Personally I find that kinda amusing, but it's no less messed up that at her age she spouts this stuff that's so aggressive and so graphic. I fear to think what she's been watching to learn how to talk like that. She didn't deserve to have her life ruined, but I can't spare much sympathy for her, I have to say, she really invited it.

As for Bieber, he's nothing special but doesn't deserve all the hate he's getting. I wish I was rich when I was his age. Just have to make do with being pretty I guess *sigh* xD

Besides, without Bieber nobody could put metal music to him YouTube - Justin Bieber-Baby(Death Metal Version)

I commented on that girl's video to express my shock at her language, I think I annoyed her dad lol someone called me "an ignorant random dweller" I have no idea what that means xD
You shouldn't poke sleeping tigers with a sharp stick and you certainly shouldn't kick the internet. If you get on the wrong side of 4chan et al, you should swallow any pride you have and grovel, in the slim hope that they will get bored of you. Failing that, cancel your broadband subscription and avoid the internet for a few months at least.
Justin Bieber kinda reminds me of a 21 century version of Tevin Campbell (the 90's teen pop singer when I was a teen for anyone who doesn't know today who he is)
Well it wasn't about the music, you should read this, as white panda said before she pretty much brought it on her self, second 4chan is to a great extent filled with misogynistic people, most of which possess some degree of expertise's with computer so annoying them is a bad idea. Im not saying its ok or it's cool, but if you take actions prepare to face the consequences

EDIT: I think someone has placed that the phone number email address and home address of the guy who made the Justin Bieber fan video, online or thats what being said in some /i/. look's like he's next in line.
I don't know, there might be, but what I was drinking theoretically contained caffeine as well as alchohol- the perfect synthesis
Doesn't actually work that way. You'd be equally drunk and equally awake as you would be if you drank them in isolation.

There was also a study a few years ago (can't be bothered to find reference), which found that drinking alcohol mixed with a high caffeine soft drink makes you falsely feel less inebriated, a finding that tallys with my old vodka redbull habit.
Oh my god. Both those videos made my day. I am a happier person today after seeing them. I even watched the vdieo "one less lonely girl" from the beiber kid and although I wanted to shoot myself after watching it and it made me want to do to him what happens to that one pretty guy in Fight Club just to make him look more manley . . . . . . I watched the videos posted again and felt better.