Death Certificates on Abortions Proposed


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Mar 29, 2008
Death Certificates on Abortions Proposed
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Legislation introduced in Tennessee would require death certificates for aborted fetuses, which likely would create public records identifying women who have abortions.
Rep. Stacey Campfield, a Republican, said his bill would provide a way to track how many abortions are performed. He predicted it would pass in the Republican-controlled Senate but would have a hard time making it through the Democratic House.
"All these people who say they are pro-life _ at least we would see how many lives are being ended out there by abortions," said Campfield.
The number of abortions reported to the state Office of Vital Records is already publicly available. The office collects records _ but not death certificates _ on abortions and the deaths of fetuses after 22 weeks gestation or weighing about 1 pound.
The identities of the women who have abortions are not included in those records, but death certificates include identifying information such as Social Security numbers.
Campfield's bill, introduced Monday, would give abortion providers 10 days following an "induced termination of a pregnancy" to file a death certificate.
House Judiciary Chairman Rob Briley, a Democrat, called Campfield's proposal "the most preposterous bill I've seen" in an eight-year legislative career.
"It is totally inconsistent with everything the law contemplates as it relates to anything close to that subject," he said.
The anti-abortion group Tennessee Right to Life has not yet taken a position on the death certificate bill, said spokeswoman Myra Simons. But she said the organization applauds the sponsors' efforts to "draw attention to the way abortion is handled in Tennessee."
Keri Adams, vice president of Planned Parenthood in Tennessee, on Wednesday called the proposal an attempt to terrorize frightened and vulnerable women who are seeking abortion.
"We certainly hope the Tennessee Legislature doesn't invest too much energy in this bill," she said. "We think it's clearly a violation of privacy, and potentially illegal concerning HIPAA regulations."
I know a girl who has had 3 abortions from oter-marriage affairs .... meaning she's married, but at least 3 times she's been "caught out" having affairs ...

This legislation would maybe put her off a bit.
Acrux, I usually just read your muckraking posts but this one I have to agree with your assessment. There is no need to introduce this type of legislation as abortions are recorded in most states. JUST THE NUMBER and nothing else. There is no need to subject women to any other indignities because they choose, or are forced to choose, to have an abortion.
Is Tennessee a particularly christian state? Is this a soft attempt to stop women from having abortions or is it just a further extension of everybodies obsession with statistics
Tennessee is the Buckle in the Bible Belt. Rather conservative and the Religous right is entrenched. My personal opinion is that this is just another attempt of the far right to curtail apportions or reduce the number of abortions by causing "lists" or public disclosure of the names of the women that opt to have abortions.