Dear Mrs. Obama & Mrs. Biden: I am a 46 yr-old widow, but my govt refuses to


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Oct 28, 2011
aknowledge me as such, because...? due to my age, and the fact that due to a genetic disorder I was unable to bear children, The law will not recognise me legally as a "true widow" until I turn 60 yrs old-another 13 years! I married at 19, and was married 20 faithful yrs, attending college, and earning an AS in Veterinary Technology in 1995. I was then pulled into being the family hospice caregiver as soon as I graduated, and have not been able to work in my field. Despite my disability, I've taken whatever jobs I've been able to since my husband's death 7 yrs ago, but somehow an employer always manages to find out my private medical information, and next thing I know, I'm unemployed again. The last job I lost was in March, and they came right out and told me that "Because they found out I have Bipolar Disorder, I'm considered to unbalanced and unstable to do my job competently", so I was fired. I went to the ADA, and the EEOC, and they told me there is nothing I can do. When did the HIPPA law get thrown out the window? Since when can an employer go into your medical records and fire you for a metabolic or genetic disorder, whether it affects your work or not? ( which mine does not!!) I've been in complete remission for over 8 years, and if I can't work I won't survive alone since the govt won't allow me widow's benefits until I'm too old to work! I've managed to get back into school finally, in my forst semester of a bachelors degree in Veterinary Technology in the same school as my A.S., but if society won't allow me to work, I'll end up not being able to pay my student loan, and the degree will and up being for naught. I was told by the EEOC all year they were investigating my case, but I found out last week they only strung me along and lied-there was never any investigation. They told me to get a lawyer and sue, but no lawyer will take my case without money! What am I supposed to do to see justice? All I want to do is survive!! I have a Fiance', a childhood love who was brought back to me after my husband's death, and he is the best friend I could ever hope to have, and he has been my constant motivation every day. We live 300 miles apart, and rarely see each other. It's very hard on our relationship. If I could get this case off the ground, and settled, I could move out of this county where I can't work, and back home to him in the NW Chicago suburbs, where there are jobs in my field so I can work while I focus on my studies. He also just buried his First-Born Son due to a heroin overdose this week, and needs me desperately. I have been where his broken heart is right now, and it's so hard for me to sit here in the ghetto slum I exist in and just do homework and hunt for work when I need to get out of this county! I need an advocate somewhere!! If the ADA, and the EEOC won't stand up for the disabled, and there are no lawyers willing to help a disabled widow, to believe in me, where the hell do I turn? I am turning to you!! This is what you promised to do when Mr. Obame was elected, to help women like me. The SSA law restricting the age of a woman to be legally recognised as a widow is unconstitutional, and I should not be forced to live by it. I've researched it, and it's based in the 5th chapter of the book of I Timothy, in the New Testament of the Bible. Guess what? I am a Jew! That means the law violates my 1st amendment right to freedom of religious belief and practice, not to mention separation of church and state. The $825/month I should be receiving in widow's benefits would be a G-Dsend to me, it would keep every one of my bills paid, and even allow a little extra in the bank each month. I need your help!!!!! If you can't, or won't, why don't you put me in touch with Tipper Gore, this is right up her alley. Perhaps she would be willing and able to advocate for someone like me. I'm desperate, and at the end of my rope. If my stress level gets any higher, my remission may end, and I may end up back in a hospital, and none of my goals will mean anything. I have a future employment agreement with Clearwater Marine aquarium, where I interned during my A.S. degree, and I have my heart set on it. (That is where Winter the dolphin from the film "Dolphin Tale" is cared for) That is my specialty in Veterinary Medicine-Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Education. PLEASE, find a way to get me out of this nightmare, before it is too late!!!! Sincerely Yours, Mrs. Danise Freifeld, CWVT, EMT-B