DC UNIVERSE ONLINE - Whats better for Ice Skill tree - cyrongenics, iconic...


New member
Dec 17, 2009
...powers, or storms? Im martial arts right now and I don't know what i should be :( please put the answers in top 3
cyronegics 3
storms 2
iconic powers 1
ok. here is the deal. your powers are broken down into 3 groups.the first two have to deal with which ever power you took for your character. the iconic powers are simply thefamed abilities of your faveDC heroes. doesnt really matter what you picked for your starting power with these.

so lets look at the two trees under ice.

cryogenics and storms. you will forgive me, i've not used the icepowers yet, but basically one is considered your damage build, and one is an effect build. i play mental, so i will use that as an example.

mental has telekinesis and illusion.

telelkinesis is the damage tree. thats where i get my force push, TK lift, pulse, so on and so forth. all abilities meant to hurt the bad guys.

illusion gives me abilities to "control" the battle field.like instilling fear, awe, protection shields, etc etc.

now your control tree might still have acouple actual damage skills, mental has psychic blades and mass hysteria. but for the most part they are meant to help the player, or their teammates rather than attack the enemy outright.

decide how you want to play, and go from there. realize also, that your momement skill also has attacks.

hope this helps ya.