Dating & why do girls like bad guys

Dating & why do girls like bad guys

......LOL, but everyone else thinks you're a ****!!!

Seriously though, in my experience asshattery usually results in payment in kind. The sex better be good, cause your mates are likely to get bored with you pretty quickly!
Dating & why do girls like bad guys

so how long have you been with your wife/fiancee/girlfriend for?

from 'relationships' I'm guessing you have many on the go, or can't keep a hold of one for very long.

but you're giving advice on dating - doesn't that make you a nice person?!?! oh no! -you've just broken your bad attitude, watch the millions of women flee from your niceness.

fleeeeE! run!

listen all 'Bad' boys, Michael Jackson was as Bad as it gets, he made an album about it and it got him no-where! (with people over a certain age... allegedly)
Dating & why do girls like bad guys

lol, i take it your the knight in shining armour type?

1) Only just got together with this one, i finished with my long distance relationship a little while ago. I was travelling between england and spain to see her and soon enough the strain of doing that for 6 months got to me.
Just because i'm an occasional ass hole doesnt mean i'm a total ass hole.
I will move heaven and earth for a girl i like but being nice 100% of the time is:
A) Boring for the female, watching a man wear his balls as earrings is fun for both sexes when they spot a lap dog
B) Predictable, watch her glee with delight as you will pamper after her every need

Find a woman who is the same way back is like finding rocking horse crap, hold onto her and marry her.

I am young at 25, i am now looking for more serious relationships as i get older. At 18-21 why would i want a long relationship?!
I am not a cheater/player... i find a girl, if things go well we get more involved. If the relationship doesnt go in a way i like i finish it.

Not rocket science, for the new and uneducated, you will go through a lot of the wrong ones before you find the right one so dont kid yourself that the first girl will be the 'one'.
I havent been 'dumped' in a long while, not since i was 19, guess what... i was a lap dog and she grew bored as there was no challenge for her.

about a month, things are going great... you have the image i'm playing billy bad ass
being an ass hole or jerk from time to time just means not rolling over when she wants something, if you dont want to do it, dont!
If anything its being yourself, not trying to be someone your not and being falsely nice in spite of your true feelings etc.

as before, you have an image i'm playing billy bad ass.
Drop the attitude if you want peoples points of view, your poor wit is neither humouring nor intelligent in that context

friday night i took my girl out for a suprise night out, dinner, trip up the spinnaker tower, movie, flowers and a dvd when we got home.
She loved it.... because i'm not doing it week in week out.

people starting to follow me now?
Dating & why do girls like bad guys

I have a friend who scares girls off by being 'too nice' it's a shame because he is such a great guy and just needs to relax a bit more around women.

I consider myself a nice guy and don't have too much trouble finding girls. (i've been single for a total of 3 months in the last 5 years)

I find the best way to be is, as if you are not looking to impress them (i.e you are not trying to get into t3h panti3s). So be relaxed and jokey and generally charismatic and charming. I think that's what people mean when they say "be yourself." In reality you don't be 'yourself' properly until you've been going out for a couple of months and you can start scratching and farting at will (just don't be suprised if she does the same )
Dating & why do girls like bad guys

LOL, wonder where we got that from.....

As a general aside, the single most important reason for my finishing every long term relationship has been 'being taken for granted'. So be careful about playing it too cool, you may find that that by the time she realises how much she means to you its too late.
Dating & why do girls like bad guys

OK, I'm starting to get the impression here that people are equating 'being uncomfortable around women' with 'being nice'. The two are by no means remotely the same thing. Sure, the two can go together, but in fact its not that 'nice' guys dont pull, its that 'guys who are uncomfortable around women' dont pull. Quit blaming us and making out like we're the bad guys! Most women dont go for arseholes, we go for people who are happy with themselves! Since when does that make us heartless cows?!
Dating & why do girls like bad guys

She wasn't called Claire was she? Blonde moppet, wickedly sexy but a complete and utter tool who I'd love to see get squashed by the the International Space Station as it fell from orbit?
Dating & why do girls like bad guys

Oh and another point. With the whole, "listen to what she is saying and pretend to be interested." I would advise against. If she is not saying things that interest you, then she isn't right for you and vice versa.

My current other half is amazing to talk to. I love hearing what she has to say. Also she is kickass because she has taken a genuine interest in my interests. She takes me to and watches me train and has long discussions with me about training...not sure what my point is there. I think i'm just bragging :-D
Dating & why do girls like bad guys

Sorry, I'm really not trying to have a dig here, I promise, but what interests of hers have you taken a genuine interest in?

I'm honestly not trying to be argumentative, its just that you kinda made it sound like 'she's great because now she's interested in all the stuff *I* like', and I'm just hoping that the effort is not just one sided is all!
Dating & why do girls like bad guys

Well we like a lot of the same stuff anyway. Like we both like going on road trips to interesting places. We both love looking at old stuff and saying "It's just so amazing to think that some one from [insert time period here] used/stood/touched made [insert old thing]"
We are both musicians and love to play together. We both like mostly the same music.
I love hearing her nasty stories from her work (she's a radiologist) and her work is probably her closest thing to a 'hobby.'
I would like it if she were to get an obsession so that i could return the favour, though it would be pretty awesome if the obsession was BJJ, so that we could roll at home, but thats not selfish, right?
Dating & why do girls like bad guys

Yay! Seany got a girlfriend

And I completely agree with what Ninjabellydance says
Dating & why do girls like bad guys

yeh, of 5 months now. Sorry for not updating sooner
Dating & why do girls like bad guys

LOL, thats cool, I figured as much! You usually come across pretty well on here so I was kinda thinking that I'd probably picked it up wrong, but I had to check!
Sadly it wouldnt be the first time that I've seen someone rave about how great and understanding their partner is when in fact all they've done is monopolise on their own interests!
Dating & why do girls like bad guys

Your record is 10!? I bow down before your skills.. I'm at a mere 4.. I envy you.