
New member
Jul 6, 2008
*i guess that "dark knight" has sold 8 times as many tickets already as spiderman 3, one of the biggest movie's of all time, and it's not even out yet...
*do u think heath's performance as the joker has sparked all this hype with this being his last film?
*will he make a good joker?
*i heard they're already considering an oscar for his performance....what a way to go out.
I think he'll portray a great version of The Joker. Just from watching the trailers, his portrayal ran a chill down my spine. I hope he does get nominated (he'll only be the 7th actor to get one after they've passed). His performance is dark and twisted, just as The Joker's true origin is.
I'm sure that's part of it, but also Batman Begins was very good and I know I'm curious to see how this new creative team handles the Joker.
1. Um yes. Heath Ledgers last film, a sequel to a fantastic movie. Of course its gonna be big.

2. Absolutely. I heard he did amazing.

3. YES. If you think about it he is perfect for it. And in the previews he looks like one scary bad***

4. Oh of course! Im so happy for him. His last movie as his best. We miss you Heath!
Heath Ledger put everything into this movie, mind and soul.

To prepare for the role, Ledger lived alone in a hotel room for a month, formulating the character's posture, voice and psychology. While he initially found it difficult, Ledger was eventually able to generate a voice that did not sound like Jack Nicholson's take on the character in Tim Burton's 1989 Batman film. He started a diary, in which he wrote the Joker's thoughts and feelings to guide himself during his performance.

Now you ask "will he make a good joker?" Do YOU think so? I personally say that he will indeed make a good joker, maybe even out best old Jackie. Who knows? We'll just have to wait and see...

Ladies and Gentlemen, Man and Women, let us remember the great: Heath Ledger....