Daily workout routine. Can you help me please?


Jun 8, 2008
im 20 male. I do not go to the gym as i cannot afford it. im also a vegeterian and this is the work out i have been doing for nearly a year. mainly working on my arms, chest and shoulders. i DONT want to lose weight, i want to gain weight. i know its wrong to work on the same muscle everyday so can someone please help me on my workout routine. i.e

monday = lifting dummbells, and sit ups
tuesday = tricep dips etc..

Lifting dummbbells - 6.5kg in each hand. how many reps and sets should i do?

Concentration Curl
Head to head (holding 1 heavy dummbell with both hands, lifting it from the side of my head, back down and the other side of my head)
Push ups
Sit ups
Tricep Dips
Modified Pushups

how long should i work on a workout each day?
i also drink protein shakes after the work out.
Taylor i love you lol thankyou so much baby xx
OK first of all just protein will not help you gain muscle. Go to a GNC store and get Creatine to mix with your protein drinks. Now heres the workout!
Monday-Chest and Tries
1) Dumbell press (kind of like being on a bench)
2) Flies (Lie down with arms straigt out infront of you, then bring all the way back kind of like your trying to fly (hince the name))
3)Inclined bench (same as the first except on an incline bench)
2)Kick backs (hold a dumbell and kick it back as far as you can)
3) Nosebreakers (google it and find pictures)

Shoulders are very injury prone so you should pick one day to do these alone

1)Hold dumbells at your sides then lift straigt out
2) Shrugs
3)Behind the head presses

Take Wednesday and Thursday off

3)Leg press
4)Calf Raises

You need to do all body parts to keep your body porportioned
Good Luck!!!!