
complete nightmare!!

i was put on cyestra 35 to control my horomonal acne. In 5 months my acne went from mild to severe!! it didnt help me at all. i am now off the cyestra 35 and curse the doctor who suggested it. so now i been off it for a month but have been put on antibiotics and have started getting glycolic acid peels and microdermabration to try and smooth out my damaged, acne scarred, bumpy skin... so it works miracles for some and disasters for others, i just wanted to share my story...
i second that!

I just started CyEstra and my breast feel very heavy. I hope that the side effects will subside after a while.

hey guys I am just wondering if any of you noticed your skin got worse before clearing up? my face was doing ok until i started taking CyEstra and as soon as i started the pils my face went crazy and started breaking out.
Hey, so I used to take Diane 35 a LOOONG time ago to control my periods (and help keep my face clear). I'm in my 20s now and my face is worse than ever. So I went to my doc and asked for Diane 35 again. When I went to the pharmacist, she gave me CyEstra, saying it's the same thing. I went to my dermatologist and he gave me some topical meds too. I haven't been on the pill for over a month yet, so I'm still waiting for results.

I have, however, experienced facial hair loss (vellus hair and some of my eyebrows - nothing too bad though), breast enlargement (whoo!) and slight tenderness (boo!), and a very, very increased sex drive.

Now having read that the active ingredients are the same in both drugs, I'm going to assume that they're going to work the same way with clearing up my face.
I just started taking Cyestra 35 for acne and my doctor told me that I may experience weight gain as a side effect. He said that your just retaining water and to drink lots of water to cancel it out. I haven't experienced it though.
I was on Diane-35 for 3 months and it cleared my acne. I thought my acne of 10 years was gone forever thanks to it.

I went to the pharmacist and they asked if I wanted to take the generic instead (Cyestra-35), telling me it's the same thing. Sorry, their exact words were "it 'should' be the same". I took their word for it.

In a weeks time of taking the generic, my whole chin area flared up in large red and painful pimples. How depressing... (must have been the fillers in the pills). I am NEVER going to take Cyestra ever again. I am going to stick with the brand. And reading over the previous posts of sore breasts, acne problems, weight gain, I would suggest to others that Cyestra is probably not the better choice. (I also experienced breast soreness)
I was on a birth control called ovral 21 for a year after tricyclin 28 didn't work for me and i ended up having my period for over 3 weeks. The ovral is one of the strongest birth controls you can get every night I went to bed so sick I couldn't sit up or else I would have puked. About 7 months ago I was prescribed Diane but my pharmacist put me on Cyestra-21 because It was covered by my benefits... I felt the whole boob thing for the first few months... now I don't even notice it - takes you about 3 months to get use to a new pill. I'm on and now I feel great... only time I feel sick is when I start a new pack and I have my first pill and its nothing compared to Ovral.
cyestra works good i think :) hopefully good for birth control too!!
but my face has definitly cleard up a bit, but my boobs are still small... so i guess thats ok. ive been takeing it for a few weeks now
I was prescribed Cyestra-35 in about September, and for the first week or two I felt very nauseous. I haven't experienced any breast tenderness or growth. For the past few months, though, I've been getting wicked headaches that make me feel sick to my stomach; this worried me because I get a headache maybe twice a year at most, and all of a sudden they kept on coming. Today my mother suggested that maybe it's because of the Cyestra; I'm usually fine during my week off the pill but last night was my first of a new box and I was lying on the couch all day with a massive headache. I'm going to stop taking Cyestra and see if my headaches stop; I'll be seeing my doctor in March and ask his opinion then. :/
I think its normal. I've been taking Cyestra 35 for 4 months now and the same thing happened to me. Enlarged breasts and tenderness there was one of the things listed in side effects of cyestra 35. They gave me this five page article when I started with it.
I have been on CyEstra for a year now - It has cleared up my face, but i still get break outs for like a week every month, usually the week after my period. It has also made my boobs grow 2 cup sizes and gain about 10 lbs, which sucks. But over all, if it continues to keep my face clear for the majority of the time, I'm staying on it.
Hiyaa. I've been reading a lot of those posts here... sorry to hear about the bad experiences! :(

I've only used Cyestra not Diane, and yes! Mucho weight gain.
I was on it all last year from Jan 11' - Sept 11' and I had SEVERE acne (I was also prescribed Accutane years before) well Cyestra helped keep my skin clear (I still got a few pimples here and there even after being off accutane) HOWEVER, once I stopped taking it Oct 2011 - Dec 2011 my skin broke out SOO much. Actually from January of this year till now it is sooo bad. I've got acne all over my face, neck, shoulders, back! Like ew!
Anyway, so I'm back on Cyestra, on my second pack... no signs of the acne disappearing yet... actually my face has broken out like crazy, and has become SOO dry. There are flakes of dry skin all over my face that I cannot even cover up with makeup! :( so sad...

I'm really hoping this acne disappears asap! If not, I might just get Accutane prescribed for me... it was a miracle drug, however the side effects are super severe, although I wasn't effected by them.

Every time I start a new pack of Cyestra I wake up at like 4am and puke. It's pretty disgusting, but I'm used to it now..I just like to get it over and done with instead of that sickening feeling..

Anyway, so I've gained like 15 lbs (no joke) ever since I've been on Cyestra for a year, my boobs got soo big! (Which I don't mind, but the extra weight gain everywhere else isn't that great.) I do feel depressed at times, but it's not so bad. Once you go off of the pill its goes away.

Anywayy, hope this helps! I'm praying my acne will clear up soon :( at least after my 3rd month of being on it!
Cyestra is absolutely HORRIBLE! I was on Diane for about 2 1/2 years before I switched to Cyestra, only because its cheaper. So wasn't worth it. I gained about 15 pounds, which ofcourse put me up a cup size. I haven't noticed any tenderness, but the mood swings and depression I feel while I'm on it is horrible. It has effected my relationship with my boyfriend so badly. I will just cry and say mean and hurtful things for no reason, and I start disagreements over the smallest things. I am seriously like mr jeckyl and dr hide. I would be feeling great one moment and then depressed and hating my life the next. I wasn't like this before cyestra, and now that I'm off it again I'm back to feeling like myself.
DO NOT TAKE cyestra if you are happy on Diane! They are NOT the same!
My doctor prescribed me Diane-35 for my acne and to use as a birth control and my pharmacist, without telling me mind you, gave me Cyestra-35. I went home confused and found online that is was the generic, no big deal right? False. In about two weeks I've experienced severe breast tenderness, abdominal pain, my acne has gotten even worse (but I justified this as it forcing all the crap out of my skin), but for me the final straw was the mood swings, depression, anxiety and extreme decrease in sex drive. I didn't think this could possibly be the medication because I've only been on it for less than a month; but, we're talking my sweet and concerned boyfriend, who up until a couple weeks ago I was crazy about, asked me how I was feeling about "us" and I nearly spewed my complete disinterest in him and broke up with him. The only reason I made the connection was because as it turns out, my older sister did the whole Cyestra to Diane switch and said she had major mood swings and irritability not to mention depression, so before this gets any worse, I'm going to try out Diane-35. Just wish I had talked to her sooner.
I've been on cyestra 35 for a month my period went from 5 days long to 8 days now I had 7 days off my period and now I've been spotting for 8 days and counting... My acne is the worst it's ever been, I'm very moody to the extreme... Monday ill be talking to my dr... Merry Xmas to me :'(
I started CyEstra about a month ago and my boobs are incredibly swollen and painful. Also my mood has been very low. I am taking ti because of a hormone imbalance. Does Diane have the same effect on hormones?