Cycling my fish tank? Is this normal?


Active member
May 13, 2008
I have a 56 G fish tank that's been cycling for a while now (like 2-3 weeks) and I have some platies and guppies and corys cycling the tank. They've all made it so far and are doing great. My ammonia went all the way to 10.0 for 1 day and then went to 0 a few days later (like 3-4) now I'm in my nitrite spike, it went all the way to 7.0 and then dropped to 3.0(yesterday) and today it's at 2.0 I think everything is going by normal, but i just wanted to confirm if this is correct. My nitrates went to a scary 30ppm and is currently at 20ppm (i have live plants) I know that the cycling process is diff with every tank, but if my nitrite were at 3.0 yesterday, 2.0 today, dose that mean that in 2-3 days my tank will be done cycling, or 2-3 weeks or 2-3 hours? What? I know it's all diff, but what is an estimate you guys could give me?


Ammonia- 0
nitrite- 2.0-3.0
nitrate0 20-25
pH- 7.2-7.4
alkalinity- 80
hardness- hard (forgot #)
chlorine chloromine- 0

I'll add more info later if it's needed, but for the time being, please work with what i gave you. and I'll give the prson who answers by today the points..only if their answer is 5 sentences long or more because I want a good answer. help me out. I'm not asking for much.