Cybernation V5.0

They have lost close to 2 million. Their NS was artificially high due to tech, so you won't see a big decrease from loss of infra.
I'm pretty talented making new threads with my banned account..... haha

I'm amazed that this is still going on and has been as big as it has....
Half of them are in peace mode, so you won't notice a large drop. Also, a lot of them are inactive and waiting to collect when nuclear anarchy ends. Nation strength only updates when you make a transaction (like collecting taxes), so it won't show. All that and what nfl said. But tech is really good :D

Jason8, you are a leader of \m/ right?

Ever since they made WUT forums for leaders only, it's been hard to keep track of names.
can someone please lend me money? im in a war rite nao.
im pretty low so my tech is can give me the money and then ill pay you back in tech.....
Well 2 of my wars end tommorrow, don't need to worry about them anymore they're both inactive and the other ends on the 7/1 but he has no troops or anything. Between these 3 wars I only lost around 15 infra, gained 1 tech, and gained around 400 troops (have too many for my economy too handle). Since I just got out of anarchy, by tommorrow I should pull in enough cash to pay these 2 days worth of bills since I can't pay for today's :dodgy:.
You'll learn, it takes time.

Anyone wanna donate 100k :idea:.

Kidding, don't worry about it :D.
So how does attacking someone work really? should you just attack someone who is not in a clan, weak and inactive? How do you guys pick your battles. This is the only thing im still confused about.
What you do is look for a inactive nation who is in no alliance. If there not in an alliance then you can attack if you would like.
Ah, tech raiding. It's an age old art almost perfected by the ranks of \m/. The biggest tip I have to offer is to not raid until you have a feel with the game. Stay peaceful (but in war mode) until you know how the mechanics work. Raiding only becomes profitable after you hit ~5000 NS. Before then, it just cripples your nation.

Yeah. Along with NinjaR and Liberal Extinction. We're quite the sexy bunch over there. I'd try and recruit the bunch of you so you call can experience the awesomeness of \m/, but I don't want to piss people off and stuff. But at any rate, here's our website: You can find all the government members on there and stuff, along with our charter. Just check it out :p

Its fine, Jason8, everyone here tries to recruit.

We could have an awesome PbN alliance with 330K members, if Tony posted the CN link on the front page like they did with fark
Yay for attacking us :tup:!
Why does everyone fear us, we only attack traitors, backstabbers, pirates, and rogues with bad intentions? :confused:
Just stay on our good side like IRON & GOONS and your fine.

EDIT: Not that my little nation can do much.
So I sell off everything, send it all in an aid package, and not log on for a few days. When I get back on to check some stuff out, i've been attacked. So I turn around, buy 100 soldiers off what lil money I got left, and put him into Anarchy. :D
Hell if I know. He used to be in one of those alliances I destroyed. He's done now. Knocked 60 infra off him, and 12 tech. He took 3 infra of mine. :rolleyes: