Cue panic buying terror!!!

I'm so grateful my legs run on beef and milk, and not petrol.

Lou - if there's ever a milk or beef shortage looming - be sure to post up and let us know - I'll be very grateful!
The last time there was a round of panic buying my friend's car had it's fuel line slashed and fuel siphoned off!

If it makes anyone feel better, the BBC news is on TV right now and the guy said fuel prices are rising almost daily!

This is an OUTRAGE!!!

i just went to the local "Theres more at a store - open 24" and they only had 2 packets of cheesy poofs left! what is the world coming too?

Gordon Brown should be shot!!
It's my fault! I came over to yorkshireland on my full tank of panic bought petrol and panic bought all the cheesy poofs in the rottenstinkingcounty
Sod of back to lankyshire! ive had to stock up on cheese doritos, not good at all!

I bet jack straw and his friends are not suffering this kind of deprivation!
Just curious
What do you pay for a liter on average over there?
Its around a $1.30CAD hear
It's the equivalent of 82p in NZ at the moment. Up from about 50p 18 months ago.
Yikes, that's horrible. Driving in the UK is very expensive. Over here, not only do we have cheaper cars, and cheaper petrol, but insurance is not compulsory. This means that it's bloody cheap when you go to buy it! I think it costs me about £100 a year to insure (3rd party, fire and theft) my beastly 2.6 litre hunk-a-junk....I don't think anyone would offer me insurance for that in the UK.
Oh, and tax is less.

(Just a shame wages are lower!)
I don't think lack of petrol will be a problem for me. My car is making a funny noise and I'm not sure it'll last long enough to run out of petrol
Mine is in the garage - was gonna cost £200 to fix it...

Guess who's entering the demolition derby at the end of the month
Are people aware of why this strike is happening? The drivers refused a pay deal that would increase their average salary to £41,500. What the hell? I say we sack them all and get a load of Poles to do a better job for half the price. That'd teach them!