Cruise Ship Work


New member
Apr 8, 2008
I find myself with a rather uncertain future and, like so many blokes before me, I want to get the hell away from everything that seems to remind me of that which causes me pain. In short, I want to get away from where I live for a while.

As with so many things in my life, I seem to have happened upon a way to do it. Cruise ship work.

I was wondering if anyone on here has worked on a ship before, what they did and their experience of it. Did you enjoy it or hate it? If you hated it, why?

The role I'd be looking at doing is going to be an I.T. related role.

Also, if you had a great time doing it, which company did you work for and where did you sign up for it?

Please help a poor MAP'er make something of his future this Christmas
What can it hurt to give it a try? The best that can happen is that you get away and travel a bit, the wasn't what you expected. Either way you come back with a better perspective on things hopefully
Didn't work on a cruise ship, but I did work on on a ship for a while.

It's interesting, depending on what you're doing it can either be tedious or fun, either or you'll get to travel to cool locals, see new things, have lots of beautiful scenery to enjoy, have lots of time to think.

It's not a bad life.
That's kind of what gave me the idea. I just started working for M&S (short version is I was made redundant from my nice computing job a month before Xmas) and one of the guys I trained with was a dancer on a cruise ship, and is going back to do it again in February. Problem is, we work different shifts so I never actually see him, and I didn't think to ask at training.
I did a stint on a Cruise Ship years ago. It can be really fun and IT is a great position. Here are the things to know:

1. It's a 7 day a week, 24 hour a day job. You can't go home.
2. Make sure they are really clear about what you ability to visit port is. The worst thing in the world would be for you to be expected to stay on the ship.
3. Understand it's going to be really repetitive. That can be good or bad.

At the point in life you are, I'd definitely do it. You won't get rich. You will see the world.

- Matt
Why not just set up as an IT contractor?

You'll work anywhere in the UK/world that takes your fancy based on availability of contracts and your skill sets. There are agencies which specialise in work abroad.

You'll earn more than on a cruise ship whilst making useful contacts.

You won't get the travel of a cruise but you will see lots of places, earn a stack of cash and meet loads of people.

You'll probably be a code monkey though

If the appeal is the foreign travel, go for it, if the appeal is just a change of scene, you can always go UK.

Best of luck fella, I'm sure we've all had times when we've felt the same.
