Crazy Things You Have Done

looking back on that I just think how stupid it was, but when you're a kid you think you're invicible.
Believe me they might well do one day. I'll only have a very minor part if not written out completely. The girl who lived there was the daughter of a Knight of the Realm who'd caused so much trouble in her hometown she was hidden away in Wales. A good friend of mine now was entrusted to keep her out of trouble. That went well
Eventually she and several accomplises were arrested for attempted murder, rape, kidnapping and torture. My friend was lucky to get away from there with his life, thank God for an impromptu camping trip the day of his execution
If you just treat them with the same respect as anyone else there should be no problem but dont confuse that with phyco thats a whole different mind set, i knew this guy from Asia that loved to beat the crap out of people women included, he would rip their hair out of their head, he droped acid all the time and loved going to prision because he didnot have to work. He was an absolute ckick magnet and i tried to tell them but they never listend. When he went to prision all he did was train and if the prison officers tried to get in his face he would say i dont give a ill just kill you i dont care i love it here i dont have to work, i get fead for free and i have a roof over my head. He would get out of prison sell heaps of drugs make heaps of money live the way he wanted abused anyone he wanted untill he got busted and thrown back inside. He realy didnt care he just laugh about it.
Iwas good friends with his brother inlaw and he disowned him because he ripped his girlfriends hair out kicked her head in with his boots smashed her head between the door and the door frame and when i asked him why did you do that he looked me straight in the eye and said ahhh beat them up they love it they keep coming back for more. I didnt make sense of that i never will, when i was a child i was beaten but i never felt the need to pass it on to people that i am suposed to love. Some people are just evile and nothing will change them.
Oh I know one or two of them as well, comes with the territory I expect. Try to keep a wide berth from them and I'm not repeating any of the stories from those parts of my life. I like my liberty too much.
A female neighbour came to my front door and beged me to help her, she said that her boy friend is molesting her daughter, this instantly made me turn from calm to kill, i grabbed a knife from the kitchen draw whent next door and listend outside the bedroom window, i heard what i heard and i new what was going on, there was an axe just outside the front door so i removed that. I screamed at the top of my voice hey you in there what are you doing, the little girl ran to the front door and looked at me with tears in her eyes, i said what is he doing to you and she would not say but looked in shock and ran out of the house and next door to mine. The man looked at me and said hey brother whats the problem, my foot connected with his nuts i ran in the door and stuck the knife under his groin and then ran it up to his neck. I screamed at him at least four times if you ever touch a child again i will kill you do you understand me, anyway i think that the only thing that stopped me was that his dog was bitting me on the leg. I called the cops and after all was said and done he was an ex con, eight years for rape.
An exchange between me and a loco/local.

koyo..where have you been, have'nt seen you for a while?
loco.. been in jail for stabbing a guy
loco.. at a football match
koyo.. did he support the other team?
loco.. no, I could not see the match for him!!!!

He stabbed someone because he couldn't see over him.Some of the others there while we were talking found this funny!!!!

regards koyo
I was in a riot. I went down to London in 1994 for a demo against a law making public gatherings illegal(criminal justice bill amendment). There was a march that ended in Hyde Park where there was meant to be speaches and some dj sets(one by Orbital). After the speaches finished the music started for about 10 seconds, turns out the police stopped it. Next thing I know Hyde park is surrounded by riot police and they are not letting anyone leave. Then I notice groups of police(some on horses) chasing down and beating crusties and students.

There was a stand off at the perimiter of the park for several hours with the police charging every so often and grabbing and beating anyone they could catch. The protesters were at the fence and the police were at the other side of the road of Park Lane(i think) for hours beating thier sheilds with crusties shouting anti govenment slogans when a crustie came right down the middle of the road on a unicycle. He got a massive cheer from the protesters which was quickly followed by several police pulling him off his bike and beating him. The whole thing was an amazing experience, even though i was just watching I got chased several times and nearly caught. I was very close to getting a beating a few times.
Sat on the window sill of the car whilst doing about 50 mph. Dressed as a penguin

I was the driver

EDIT - Got pictures of this aswel
This we must see!

I'm not that extreme, but did enjoy cliff diving before wrecking my back.
As for stupid things, try dropping your motorbike at a meet fulled with hardcore bikers...
This was at the end of the rally so only doing about 15 mph here but it was a lap round Mayrhofen all the way like this. The 50 mph part was earlier and its were i got this 'good' idea to drive like this . Im the penguin on the far side. There were 2 cars with 3 in each, i'll post the other car below
I got into a car with some stunt guys to get a lift to a movie set we were on a country road doing about a hundred the car infront was also full of stunt guys and they decided to hit the gravel on the side of the road and do a complete spin, i was in the back seat screaming out a word i thihk you all can guess, then the driver of my car decided to do the same i though we were all going to die.
Did this just about a weak ago. I went to a wedding with my wife. Two girls who used to be on her staff were getting married.It was a same sex wedding. No problem to me BUT a loudmouth guy was making comments from a nearby table getting laughs from his friends.
The first waltse was called and the girls got up to dance When other couples were asked to join I had had it with loudmouth so I went over to his table and in the sweetest voice I could muster asked him if he wanted to dance.(not the first time my mouth could have got my ass in trouble)

Crazy!!! But it did shut him up.

regards koyo

There was no chance of a fight. (he was sitting down I was standing up) I'm not sure what I would have done if he said yes.
I think this is not so crazy but more funny.
Myself and some friends guys and girls wanted to ge into a nightclub and i had tried once sometime ago but was knocked back i think because i looked a bit to tuff and the security guys thought best not let me in so this time i put my arm around one of my mates and acted gay and we got in