Crappiest Job YOU Have Ever Taken?


New member
Feb 29, 2008
The worst job I ever had was cleaning horse stalls as a volunteer, when I was 16/17 years old. It wasn't the poop that was bad. It was the urine. Fermented urine is the worst smell on the planet. The stalls were really poorly made, and had a lot of holes in the floor. Thus, pee would collect in these pot holes under the mats, and we'd have to clean them occassionally. I gagged a lot.

I also got my big toe stepped on by a 1500 lb horse. Bled like a motherfucker and the toe nail came off.

Who's had a worse job?
Cutting laws. 8:00-6:00 everyday, and i got the shitty jobs of weed whacker, and leaf blower, and by the end of the day, everything would ache. It was awful
I had to trim the bushes for this one guy. I thought my arms were going to fall off and he only paid me like 10 bucks, I was fucking pissed.
Haha. I had a friend that worked in the seafood department at a butchery. That guy was unbearable to be within 5 feet of after he got off work.
Fixing leaking overhead cracks in a wastewater treatment facility. Getting rained on by shit is literally the crappiest job I've ever had. ref, paid like shit, treated like shit, getting shot at... the list goes on. Now I love my job, I have to make people pay to play tennis and I just sit there and chill for hours, nobody comes hehe.
The only reason i'd go back is for working on Saturday and Sundays into overtime. Double time and a half after 8 hours meant 36 bucks/an hour. I remember working one saturday for 14 hours. Plus the whole week before was solid 10-11 hours per day. Fuck i had money.

Fishing's gonna be shitty this year though so I doubt they'll call me in. :-/
Inventory at a party invitation/planning store.

It was incredibly gay. Not only was the person I was working with OBSESSED with Harry Potter, I had to count individual pieces of paper that were in a stack of like 2,000.