Couples question: When you go on vacation........?


Apr 11, 2008
Say you are going on vacation for a week in Daytona, Fl. with your girl, and you are using a 2 bedroom timeshare (for free)that's about 4 hours away from home, would you invite some of your friends to spend a few days (since there's not much to do in Daytona)? Or would you want to spend a romantic week alone with your girl (someone that you love and will marry someday) ? Tell me if you think it's fine to invite friends, or if it's messed up. Please tell me why to support your answer, I have to settle a debate.
I think the romantic week with each other is a really nice idea! It would be good to get away somewhere together and spend some quality time with each other. My boyfriend and I always plan little trips away with each other, and it's great! Just to spend a few days with each other, I can't explain it, but it's like for those few days feels like we are in our own little world where we are the only two that exist. I know it sounds really cheesy but it's romantic and good to spice things up, your girl would love it.
i think you shouldn't invite friends. when you planned teh vacation you were thinking about it being you and your girl right?? well have the romantic trip. Your friends would probably mess it up and your girlfriend would get mad at you anyways, if there is nothing to do then go for a lot of walks when your there with your girlfriend... girls love walks :]]
My husband would invite his friends. I would not. I really hate when we get a chance to get away from everything, and he thinks it would be a good idea to bring them all with us. I want some alone time, not his buddies acting like idiots while I feel I'm the one being dragged along on some weekend long bachelor party.