Could this long distance relationship work?


New member
Feb 4, 2013
Could this European long distance relationship work?

He cried saying goodbye, and he added me on Skype 24 hours later.

He lives in Germany, and I live in England.

Could this long distance thing potentially work? Is the distance too far?
I'm sorry to say this but no!. I was in one with my first boyfriend/love we tried to hard to make it last but distance was what ruined us!! Everyone in long distance relationships usually get upset/annoyed when they don't see each other and get bored quicker. That's why they don't last plus trust issues. I was in one for a year. Even though it was nice at the time wasnt worth it. Trust me there's so many people out there gotta find one that you can see every day!!
long distance relationships don't work and never will!
even if its a few hours away or a different country. they will never work out, i assure you.
because relationship comes with sexual needs also! and you wont be able to have that... and if you did it online, he could even be recording you and send it out on the internet or something horrible!
you can't trust anyone these days..
just find someone who lives in your town :) hope i helped.