Could my bond to my puppy be broken? Part Vent, PART question.?


New member
Jul 5, 2010

Our neighbors dog, who we are taking care of while he was up North visiting his mom who is very sick, had 6 puppies about 3 months ago(We had no idea she wasnt fixed, our neighbor said the dogs old owner told him he got her fixed, and we just got our male dog fixed after he got her pregnant). They are little mutts, but very adorible sweet loving mutts. (BostonBull/Terrier/Chihuahua) well one of these puppies I grew a very strong bond with, I mean he follows me EVERYWHERE, and he was going to be the one puppy that we would keep. I mean I loved him so much.

But the other 5 puppies we took pictures of and sent them to our cousin up in Los Angeles because she said she knew people who wanted the puppies, all of them, and she told us that she knew them personally. But she ended up have to put 2 puppies on adoption on craigslist, which she never told us.
Then whenever she put her post up on craigs list, she accidently used a picture of my puppy, instead of the other brindle colored puppy. and someone replying to the post not even ten minutes later. Saying, we are a young couple with a very sick 6 year old son, and he has fallen in love with your puppy, and they were saying how they lived in a large house with a huge backyard, and they had plenty of money to spoil this dog. And of course our cousin realized she had the wrong dog up there in the picture, but the way that they were talking about their son loving that dog, made her feel so guilty about mixing the pictures up, so instead of tell the people that she accidently put a picture of the wrong pup up, she called me and told me about her little mix up. Now, I am very torn about what to do, and because I was thinking my little puppy could make a very sick boy happy, I agreed to give this boy my puppy, (FOR FREE) So literally two hours later i am on my way to give this boy my puppy. I was crying the whole way.

So we get there and the the couple is there, but no boy. At first I was skeptical but I wasnt going to be like never mind I dont feel right about this blah blah blah. So we had over the puppy, and I say i hope your son loves him as much as I do. and they say he will, they said that their sons grandma had taken him to Chemo today and he didnt know that the puppy was coming today so it would be a surprise for him.
So we leave and I feel like I did the right thing, I gave my little baby to a sick boy with cancer.

Well when I get home, I keep getting this bad feeling that something wasnt right, so I have a strong urge to get on craigslist and check the pets sections up in LA. Now, its been about 6 hours since we had given this puppy to those people. Im on craigslist and a post catches my eye say, "Brindle Boston bull Terrier Mix" and I stop and stare, and Im thinking that cant be my puppy, I gave him to a good home with a sick boy. So I click on the Ad and guess what, ITS MY FKKIN PUPPY!. The Ad was only posted about two hours ago at that time. I broke down in tears after I read it. "2 month old boston terrier mix. Very sweet, playfgul, mild tempered and very smart. Responds well to basic commands. Very calm, he will lay in your lap and sleep or jsut chill. Asking for rehoming fee of $150. He comes with food and a crate. He has began crate training. I have another puppy that is slightly older and they get along great. He still needs his shots. I have to get rid of him because I can not afford his basic care. Let me know if you're interested. I can meet anywhere anytime. Thanks" and then it showed two pictures of him, one he looked so sad and the other he was in a CRATE with the bars and it looked like he was in jail!
I called my mom and i told her what I just found and I printed it and she could not believe it either. MY BABY WAS JUST BEING TOSSED AROUND LIKE HE WAS NOTHING BUT A WAY TO GET MONEY!
Now our cousin's husbands deciedes to trick the people, and he contacts them and say he is interested in the dog, and the people replying to him saying they needed $300 dollars to cover the expenses of the dog. And this guy is telling my cousins husband that he lives on his own, no kids, no wife, and barley has money to take care of him and his other dog. saying he found that puppy in an alley in northern hollywood. So they agree to meet, and our cousin and her husband go to meet this guy, and sure enough it was the same guy they had given the puppy too. and he was in shock whenever he saw my cousin, and he started freaking out. and they said they would call the police if he didnt give the puppy back, so he gave them my baby back and I am getting him back today. (And I guess right before he left to go meet them he had wrote my cousin on her email saying how he wanted another puppy for his son, before he knew that it was them). So Everything that guy had told us was a lie, I guess the kid that wa