Could I learn how to drive in 10 hours?


New member
May 13, 2008
Well I'm 17 years old and I can drive somewhat, but I haven't been out on any main roads or anything. Well I booked driving lessons and the best deal I could find was 10 1hr lessons for $300. The thing is I have to pay for them myself. So I was wondering would I be able to learn how to drive properly in 10 hours?
Yes easily.... Idk where you're getting lessons... but at the DMW (at least in california) you get three 2 hour lessons.. and then take your test... the lessons are like 75 bucks a piece.... I was a great driver after those three lessons
I took a similar course through Young Drivers in Ontario and I got 10 1 hour lessons in car and then like 10 hours in class. Got my full license my first drive test.
dont waste ur money.... driving really isnt that hard

you could learn to drive in 10 minutes....

go play some arcade driving games or video games if your really afraid...