Could he be gay or is he just joking?


New member
Aug 15, 2008
I don't have any problem with lesbians or gays, but I have a friend who is a guy and lately it's been kind of weird..he's popular and plays baseball he's very attractive and really funny. But lately he's been posting on twitter and telling everybody he's gay, everyone sees it as a joke and he says it is but I find it rather strange...he hasn't dated a girl for two years, he talks about sex from behind, I just don't know what to think? He's a really great guy and If he's gay I want to help him...but idk if he is?? Help?
Maybe his account was hacked and the hackers saying he's gay. but gays do admit that there gay all the time so theres a chance he is and theres a chance he isn't why not just ask him.
the fact that he's posting comments about him being gay probably just means one of his friends is messing around on his account or he's joking, when a gay person 'comes out' this is not generally the way they do it, they're typically more discrete about it.
he may not have dated a girl for two years for many other reasons other than that, I can think of so many, too many to write down
and most guys do like sex from behind, if he is talking about taking it from behind, thats a bit different but could also be a joke. If he is gay, he will come out when he is comfortable. Just let him know that you're there for him and will accept him no matter what