Could England/Germany long distance relationship work?


New member
Feb 4, 2013
Could this European long distance relationship work?

He cried saying goodbye, and he added me on Skype 24 hours later.

He lives in Germany, and I live in England.

Could this long distance thing potentially work? Is the distance too far?
Obviously not enough information so I hope you're not expecting a specific answer, BUT....
I say.... WHY NOT?

I did a little research for you and listed some sites below for you to read.

Best of romance to you!!!
Can it work? Yes. Is there a high chance of it working? No. I'm just being honest when I say it probably won't work if we are talking in terms of statistics. If you want it to work, you have to have plans obviously. Is it worth one of you moving to a foreign country for 1 person? What about your friends and family? There are a lot of questions you need to answer before you can make that decision.
im in a longdistant relationship my girlfriend lives in Europe i live in Australia , 18 mths its ok but not perfect our relationship , she ignores me sometimes , maybe you can help me understand why she does it , do u do this to your boyfriend paige ,