Cost-Effective Marketing Tool- Engaging E-Magazine


New member
Jul 5, 2012
Paper-made magazine and e-magazine, which publication you like to read more in leisure? When millions of people love to read news and content via iPad, iPhone, Android, smartphones and tablets, it seems that e-magazine plays a key point in engaging audience and marketing online business. In this blog entry, we'll make a comparasion between paper-made magazine and e-magagzine to make clear what are the bright points of e-magazine (can be made by digital magazine creator).


Hereof we listed five advantages of digital magazines:
1. Statistic is more visualized and easy
Once you published a digital magazine on your site, you can easily get datas like magazines hits, reading time, hyperlink clicks, new readers, returning readers and much more points via Google Analytics. But for traditional paper magazine, you need to wait a long time to get accurate statistics and reports if you want to track its marketing effect.
2. More interactive with rich media
Comparing with paper magazines, the digital magazine has the obvious advantage in interactivity. While there are only pictures and texts on printed magazines, digital magazine is more flexible that can be enriched with video clips, YouTube movies, hyperlinks, music, clipart, dynamic effect and so forth to highlight magazine content and reading experience. Besides, readers can leave feedbacks or suggestions online conveniently after reading digital magazine, but this does not work so conveniently while we are reading realistic magazines.
3. Portable with high accessibility
The hard page magazines are heavy in weight and large in size, so it is inconvenient if you want to read them on subway, in canteen or during tourism. However, digital magazine appears more portable that you can enjoy it online or offline on digital devices like iPad, iPhone and other tablets anytime and anywhere as per your need.
4. Easy delivery via internet and eco-friendly
Because of heavy weight and large size, it may cost a lot in hard page magazine delivery. Besides, paper magazines consume too many papers and cost a lot in printing which are not cost-effectively and eco-friendly. Comparing with digital magazines, the paper magazine is much more expensive for readers to access which means that readers might be limited to rich ones.
5. More comfortable reading experience
You may consider that reading digital magazine is not comfortable as reading real paper books. But currently powerful digital magazine publishing tools creates a nice feeling as reading realistic printed books. Digital magazines can flip pages with other features like zoom, share, bookmark etc. Readers may feel more comfortable as they can enjoy engaging content and news in a way which is completely new and userfriendly.
6. More effective in spreading
If people think an online magazine is very helpful and worth-sharing, they only need to click Share button to communicate the magazine content with friends, families, and colleagues via social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Digg etc, or copy the magazine link for distribution. But paper magazine cannot offer such convenience for readers.
Want to design some outstanding e-magazines to attract more readers and boom business, to learn more about page turning software to see how can you make 3D page flipping magazines effortlessly.