Cop stole my shizzle

i bet you go to pick it up and the cop at the counter is like
"Well howd you get here?"
"Ummm...ummmm... d00d i just drove without mah license"
That blows mate. I'm sure he had a good reason to drive off like that, but they should be a little more helpful as far as giving it back to you. It's not even out of the question for them to just drop it off at your house.

Being a dick to them won't get your property back any faster, though. Sure it might be more gratifying, but the reality is that cops are people too, and if you piss them off they are going to be less inclined to help you to their full potential.

For instance. I was pulled over for no apparent reason a few months back while driving with 2 of my friends. We had literally driven 6 hours, and were one exit away from our house when a cop pulled us over. I was driving at just over 60 mph because I was dangerously low on gas. When I asked the very surly police woman why I was pulled over, she spat back that I was swerving all over the place, as if I was stupid for not realizing. I hadnt been swerving, I know this because I'm pretty OCD about my driving habits.

Anyway, she tells me to step oujt of the car, she's certain that we are all high and claims that she can smell weed. I was pretty doubful that she could smell anything because it had been about 3-4 days since the last time we smoked weed in it, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she could smell a hint of something through the man stink that had accumilated from packing 4 people into my tiny civic, and through the stench of In N Out burger, and other foods that were packed in the car. Some other cop gave me a field sobriety test, that I passed, and the bitch continued harrassing my friends. They asked if they could search my car, I declined, we were tired and wanted to go sleep. Then they let us go. The whole process took roughly a half hour, and we were less than a quarter mile from my drive way.
I could have been a dick and they could have searchd my car, because probable cause is such an arbitrary law, my consent essentially doesn't mean shit. I could have been stuck there another half hour, and maybe they might have found a pipe that I had forgotten about under one of my seats.

The point is. Don't be a dick to cops. Furthermore, I'm wired on adderall. Hence the long ass meaningless story.
it is 100% illegal to search a vehicle without a search warrant, just as it is 100% illegal to just randomly walk in someones house because you think theyre baking cookies and you want some.
One weekend when my bestfriend/cousin was back on leave from the marines. boot camp wutchamajig.

we were goin to the other side of town to mcdonalds cause theone on our side sucks balls. but you have to go threw a bad neighborhood with crackheads to get there. so we drive threw and see a cop. and he pretty much starred us down. which got us nervous. so then i was like go left here. to find out its a dead end. so the cop just sits there waiting for us to come back out. then follows us for like a mile. and were like " just pull us over already!!!" then we almost make a left turn on a oneway street going right.

thats when he hit the lights. and I just sold my car so i had all my shit in the back seat, tools, clothes, etc. and it looked like we just robbed someone. ause he was flashing his light in the back seat, then was like lisences. yea he asked me too even tho i wasnt driving. then as soon as he had them in his hands. we heard the dispatcher onhsi radio say something. and he just go Thanks! and throws out shit at ass and runs to his car the peels out. so mycousin was like lets go see whas crackin. so we follow the cop knowing he obviously wasnt going to pull us over. it ended up being some crackhead burning down a house with ppl inside. so we sat and watched cops go in then come out and fall over from the smoke. til the firefighters got there.

for srs.
N sir. Probable cause. If they smell beer or alcohol you're toast. It's arbitrary because cops can lie and say they smelled beer or weed, at which point it's their word against yours, nothing you can do about that.
this thread is such shitty shens.

mostly tnelsons douchebag story....

Saying shizzle, shizz makes you sound like a fucking moron.
they did that to my mom a few years back. she got pulled over to all the stuff to his car then like a mintue later he took off. all she did was call the sheriffs station and the cop brought it back, i also think he gave her a ticket still i'm not really sure.
Hell na I would tell them I want them to bring my shizzle to me and I want an apology from the cop for taking my shizznit or I'll report his ass.