Control Devices - Motors?


May 19, 2008
I need to know what a motor is (ICT) for classwork power point and I can't find anything on the internet. I baisically need a small summay of what they are and what purpouse they serve as output devices?
there are many kinds of motors. go to and look up the word motor or go to encyclopedia britannica (even better).
off the top of my head, the ones I am interested in the most are:
[DC or AC] brush motors,[DC or AC] brushless motors, stepper motors, linear stepper motors,
they come in all sorts of drive configurations depending on your need. some have built-in drive circuitry or controllers.
linear step motors are used for moving tables in x-y or x or y directions.
motors are used in inkjet printers to move the print head, and in some types of laser printers to rotate the mirror for the laser to reflect off of.