Continuous story-like dream?


New member
Dec 17, 2009
For a while, I've had a strange dream, that continues where it left off every night. The minute I fall asleep, I wake up in a different bed and in a different house. At first, I freaked out, but now I'm getting used to it. In this dream, I have a brother who cares for me (I only have a sister in reality) and three good friends. But apparently, in my dream, I have been in a coma for six years.

The strange part for me is the fact that I immedietly have this dream when I fall asleep, and when I wake up, my dream-self falls asleep as well. (i.e. one time I woke up from a sharp noise outside. After settling down again, I fell back asleep, and the characters in my dream said I had passed out and were worried... Each night, a new day begins in this 'dream world')

I'm wondering if this is normal or what anyone's input on this is...