Constantly daydreaming about sex/super horny?


New member
May 20, 2008
I keep imagining me having sex. I'm 16, a virgin and just feel really compelled to have sex with some guys in my school. I'll glance at them in lessons and just think about it. I know it's sad, but I think it all through which makes it worse. I have an idea of getting with a nerdy/kinda cool guy in my year. He's hot and really calm which is a turn on.

What can I do to avoid acting on my thoughts?!
just do it already, geez. I bet he is a hornball too and looking for a real woman instead of his dog to beat it with.
It's hormones. Every teenager, girl and guy, experience these thoughts. Especially virgins. Virgins are the most curious, and just want to know what it's like period. But don't mistake these hormones for actual feelings and take action. Ignore them. Masturbate. Do anything that will satisfy yourself in these ways, but do not have sex just to have sex. Your 16. For your first time, you want it to be special, with a special person. Not just to have it and get it over with. Or not just because you've been thinking about it. You need to rethink all this stuff your saying. Don't let these hormones take over.
hahahahaha umm everybody has these thoughts but i think u get em alot...which is odd...but ummmmmm i geuss try hard not to...thts all i can tell you really :/