completely free ringtones?


New member
Dec 7, 2010
i have a samsung T401G.i want to get free ring tones.i do not want to have to go on the internet on my phone.i will use my computer to go on the internet,but not my phone.i do not want it to charge by how long it takes to send.just 0 to 5 minutes to get the ringtones.i am 11 so i don't want to have to use a lot of my minutes.also,i had people saying on my last question that a 11 year old girl should not have a phone.i want an answer to my question and not someone saying that i shouldn't have a phone because i am to young.i paided for it myself and i have to work around the house to keep minutes on it. i hope that you can help.oh and i can make a account any website!and i don't want you just looking up random websites.i might use your answer so i want to make sure that it is a good website!and i don't want the company to be texting me a lot because it takes 1 minute to send a text and 1 minute to answer a text!
Well, according the the specifications on that phone, it supports mp3 ringtones. What that means is that if you have any mp3 music files, you can probably copy them to the phone's microSD memory card, then go in the settings and select them as a ringtone.

I'd be willing to bet they explain how to do that in the phone's user manual. You can find that on Samsung's website.